OB Pre-Natal Care

Weeks 13-17

Welcome to the second trimester! Time during pregnancy can be marked by weeks, months, or trimesters. A trimester is a period of about 12-14 weeks or about three months long. Throughout your pregnancy, you will go through three trimesters with an additional fourth after you deliver your baby. During this second trimester, you will start to show your “baby bump” and may even grow out of Morning Sickness. Your energy needs will increase, meaning you will need to eat an extra 340 calories in a day. Your baby can taste what you eat every day through the amniotic fluid, so let’s make each meal count.

Developmental Milestones

  • My Baby: At 15 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of an apple. You can hear their heartbeat on an ultrasound, and they can hear the music you listen to.
  • My Body: Nausea may start to decrease while your appetite starts to increase. Your breasts are also starting to produce colostrum, or the first milk that your baby will need.

Nutrition Needs

Weight Gain

Weight gain throughout pregnancy varies from person to person and is a meaningful way to track the progress of your pregnancy. Many factors affect your weight gain, such as your pre-pregnancy weight, the number of babies you will have, your usual level of physical activity, and your medical history. Your healthcare provider will monitor and guide you as your body grows to support your baby, so don’t stress. Regular physical activity, like walking, dancing, and yoga that does not cause too much strain on your body is a great way to maintain your weight and help improve your overall well-being. Here is a general breakdown of weight gain from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists based on your pre-pregnancy weight and Body Mass Index (BMI).

      • Women who are underweight, with a BMI less than 18.5, are projected to gain 28-40 pounds throughout pregnancy.
      • Women with a normal BMI between 18.5 and 24.9, are projected to gain 25-35 pounds.
      • Women with an overweight  BMI of 25-29.9 are projected to gain 15-25 pounds.
      • Women with an obese BMI greater than 30 are projected to gain 11-20 pounds.

Trimester Trends

Healthy weight gain throughout pregnancy is a good sign of growth for you and your baby. The rate at which you gain weight varies by trimester as well.

      • During the first trimester or first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you may gain between 2-5 pounds since your baby is still very tiny.
      • By the second trimester, you may gain an additional 12 to 14 pounds or about 1 pound per week to account for how much your body changes.
      • During the third trimester, your baby will start to grow rapidly, leading to an additional 8 to 10 pounds of weight gain or about ½ to 1 pound of weight gain per week.

Pregnancy Weight Breakdown

Gaining weight during this time is normal and needed to support the growth of you and your baby. The added pounds can be attributed to many different factors. Here is a brief breakdown of how your body uses the added weight.

      • Approximately 7.5 pounds for your baby and 1.5 pounds for the placenta.
      • By the end of your pregnancy, your uterus will weigh about 2 pounds and hold another 2 pounds of amniotic fluid that keeps your baby secure.
      • Other body changes, like an increase in breast tissue, blood, bodily fluids, and fat stores, can add up to 17-20 extra pounds as well.

Family Engagement Activity

  • Every woman’s pregnancy is different, including how much weight she gains. Your healthcare team will monitor and guide you throughout these changes.
  • If you would like to learn more about how to track your weight gain during pregnancy, download the CDC’s guide here.

Caregiver's Corner

Tips to Alleviate Pain

Weight gain during your pregnancy is typical and expected. Body fluids, such as swelling and water retention in your arms and legs, can cause additional weight gain. If this is causing you discomfort or pain, talk to your healthcare provider about ways to address these concerns. Sarah Wheeler, a Certified Nurse-Midwife from CHRISTUS Children’s, shares valuable tips to help alleviate pain while gaining weight throughout pregnancy.

    • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
    • Prop your feet up when sitting to keep fluid from gathering in your feet and ankles.
    • Try taking a walk during the day to help move some of the excess fluid around.
    • Keep drinking water to flush out any excess water your body is holding onto.
    • Use a cold compress or towel on swollen feet or joints.